Hire Me (for free)
I am writing this letter to ask you to interview me as your pastor. Yes, you read this correctly. I want you to hire me to provide pastoral care to you and your family.
After 25 years of full-time pastoral ministry, I have decided to start ConciergeMinister.com - The Pastor You’ve Always Wanted Without the Church. This virtual ministry moves beyond sanctuaries and stained glass windows and connects directly with the heart of someone's spiritual journey.
Confession: While I have thoroughly enjoyed pastoring in local churches, I believe God has given me the unique ability to reach secular people who have moved beyond organized religion. I want to partner with you, focusing on spiritual development- not discussing the color of the sanctuary carpet or whether we need another pipe in the organ.
So, here I am, asking you to hire me. I want to provide spiritual services; counseling, prayer support, resources, and more so you can get a jumpstart with God. If you are familiar with Concierge Medicine, my approach is similar. It is a highly personalized approach by focusing on your spiritual life. Just as you focus on your life's nutritional, physical, and emotional aspects, I want to coach you to discover an incomparable life with God.
Frequently Asked Questions
What kind of services will you offer?
First, once you hire me (this is a free service, you can read more below), I will send you a discipleship assessment to understand your faith journey, beliefs, and what interests you. Based on the results, I would create a customized plan and meet with you (via zoom) to work on these areas (think of me as your spiritual trainer).
Second, Suppose you aren't ready to jump in with both feet. In that case, you can sit in the "back pew" and receive regular devotions and positive messages through our email campaigns and social media with sermons, music, spiritual resources, and links to other original content.
Third, you will have my number on speed dial. 202-599-6626. If you are going through a difficult time and need someone to listen to or help you sort out some issues - you can text me to set up a time to connect. (I am also a board-certified pastoral counselor). Finally, you will be invited to various small groups I lead, such as online devotional groups, podcasts, grief groups, interviews with religious teachers to help you better understand the Bible.
Concierge Medicine charges for their services. Do you charge also?
This ministry service is free - mostly. I'm not trying to bleed you dry. What I am asking is for a reoccurring monthly donation of any amount. As a religious organization, you can also return your tithes and offerings. Your reoccurring contribution will confirm your commitment and investment into taking your spiritual life to the next level. (There are some services, such as grief groups and counseling, that have a separate fee associated with the service.) BTW: I am not receiving a salary for this service.
Is this tax-deductible?
Yes. Concierge Minister is a religious non-profit organization. Your contribution is fully tax-deductible. You can return your tithe and offerings here also. Click here to read more about finances, and here
What are your goals?
Well, let me tell you what we've done so far. That will give you a better idea of the kinds of effort we are pursuing. Click here to read the letter I recently sent to my board of trustees.
This idea seems strange. I've never heard of a Concierge Minister. What the heck?
I don't know anyone who is doing this either. But, I believe this ministry and influence have grown farther than the four walls of a church. I feel like I have done more ministry in the last two years than in the last twenty-five years (this is very true and sad).
So what's next? How do I get started, or how do I get you to stop sending me these letters?
There are four things you can do:
You can fill out this short registration form to let me know you are interested, and I will follow up with you.
I invite you to make a reoccurring contribution to demonstrate you are serious about this commitment, or you want to show your support in helping people find their self-worth in God.
Follow Concierge Minister on various social media channels - mainly Facebook. You can see the complete list at the bottom of this letter.
You can subscribe to my monthly email that is filled with resources, devotionals, and invitations to discipleship opportunities.
Kumar, The Pastor You’ve Always Wanted Without the Church
Still unsure? Click here to read 9 Things You Should Know About Me, Before You Hire Me.
Read some inspiring stories on how Concierge Minister is making an impact in people’s lives.