Do people still make New Year resolutions? I must admit that I am one of those people who make a list of goals every year. Yes, many of those goals fall off the radar after a week or so, but I fall in the camp that believes you should work towards making personal improvements in your life.
If you take a closer look at this photo, you'll see one of my resolutions. - Now full disclosure, many people, like me, do not share their goals because we are afraid people like you will ask us about what we revealed. So, before I go on, in the spirit of being vulnerable, I will share a few of my resolutions - with the hopes that you don't bring them up to me... So here we go.
If you look at the photo, you'll notice a cup of coffee and a spoon full of cookie dough. Okay, for the record, it was Christmas. Give me a break! But here is the reality, I realized I have a sugar addiction. There I said it!
On December 26, I stopped eating sweets. Ugh. I am going to try to avoid dessert for at least one month. I need to reboot and start over. The other thing that I am working on is my consumption of coffee. I have a weird metabolism where I can drink coffee a few minutes before bed and quickly fall asleep. Sadly, the metabolism only works with caffeine, not food!
Here are a few of my other goals for 2022
30 minutes of brisk walking - 5 times a week
Say no to opportunities. Feed my ego in other ways.
Finish one book - from writing to publishing. I am working on a memoir and a book on growing spiritually. I am hoping to finish one or both this year.
Put the phone away while I'm at home and be present in family conversations.
Do you have any resolutions? I'd love to hear about it. Drop me a line HERE.