Please read this out loud so you hear your voice speaking this to you.

Jesus will walk through filth to get to you because His love knows no bounds. There is no depth too low, no darkness too overwhelming, and no mess too chaotic that could deter Him from reaching you. He steps into the dirtiest, most broken parts of your life with unwavering compassion, not to condemn but to restore and heal. His love transcends the barriers of shame, guilt, and unworthiness that we often build around ourselves. Jesus doesn’t wait for you to clean up your life or fix your flaws before He draws near. Instead, He meets you right where you are, in the midst of your struggles, failures, and pain, offering hope and redemption. His willingness to walk through filth is a testament to His radical, unconditional love—a love that seeks and saves even when we feel most unlovable.
Nothing will get in His way because His love is relentless and purposeful. He will move mountains, cross rivers, and tear down walls to be with you. The scars He bore on the cross are the ultimate evidence of how far He will go to bring you back to Him. No sin is too great, no wound too deep, and no distance too far for His grace to reach. Jesus doesn’t see the dirt or the brokenness as disqualifying; instead, He sees you as worth it—precious, cherished, and beloved. He doesn’t shy away from the hard work of restoration because He knows the beauty and joy that await when you’re fully embraced by His love. His journey to you is not hindered by your past or your present circumstances; it’s powered by His eternal desire to bring you into His peace, light, and freedom.