Here are a few articles that I found to be helpful. Let me know what you think.
'How to Raise Kids who Aren't A**holes' — or maybe even kind"
CNN talks to Melinda Moyer, author of "How to Raise Kids Who Aren't A\**holes: Science-Based Strategies for Better Parenting—from Tots to Teens." Moyer looks at research on gunplay, screen time, resilience and more, helping adults send the message that kindness matters. CLICK HERE TO READ
How God Works
Social scientists are researching what humans can do to improve their quality of life. Their findings echo what religious practices perfected centuries ago. CLICK HERE TO READ
How To Embrace Slower Living — Even If It's *Really* Not Your Thing
If Slow Living Isn't Your Thing, Try Slower Living CLICK HERE TO READ
New psychology research identifies a robust predictor of atheism in adulthood
Emotionally Intelligent People Embrace the Rule of Reappraisal
When you're feeling defeated or overwhelmed, resist the urge to look ahead. Instead, take a moment to look back. CLICK HERE TO READ
Do you have an article to share? Please send me an email at ConciergeMinister AT gmail DOT com