I love this picture of my daughter and wife, taken about ten years ago, participating in a foot-washing ceremony. In our church tradition, we observe the “ordinance of humility” during the week of Holy Communion. This practice is inspired by John 13, where Jesus washes His disciples’ feet before the Last Supper. The foot washing, as humbling today as it was 2,000 years ago, reminds us of true servant leadership.
In Jesus’ time, people walked dirt roads in open sandals, leaving their feet dusty and unclean. Washing someone’s feet was a task reserved for the lowliest servants. Yet, Jesus willingly performed this act, demonstrating His commitment to serving others. He embodied His teaching in Matthew 20:16, “The first shall be last.” Jesus didn’t just speak these words; He lived them fully.
In today’s culture, much emphasis is placed on being the best, fastest, or smartest—seeking recognition for individual accomplishments. Rarely does the conversation focus on serving others simply to lift them. When I see this image of my wife and daughter engaged in this humbling act, I’m reminded of the powerful lesson Jesus modeled that day.
As a parent, I want my children to excel in life, but more importantly, I hope they learn to prioritize others over themselves and to live a life of service and compassion.
How is God calling you to live a servant-centered life?