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Frequently Asked Questions 

I already have a religious community that I am part of. Why should I become a member here? 

Our tag line is the pastor without the church. We are not trying to reach churchgoers. However, if you want to support a new kind of ministry that is designed to reach people who have been hurt or burned by the church or just never found church relevant, then this is why you should give. Perhaps you have a child or grandkid who has given up on God (for now). These are the people we are reaching and reminding them that God has never given up on them.  

What religion is the concierge minister affiliated with?

Kumar is an ordained Christian minister. He teaches from the Hebrew scriptures and ancient Christian texts. Concierge Minister does not subscribe to a specific denomination but unequivocally aligned with the teachings of Jesus.   

Is my contribution tax-deductible?

Yes. Concierge Minister, Inc is a tax-deductible religious organization. You will receive a tax-deductible receipt for your contribution. 

Where does the money go? 

Your contribution will be used to expand the ministry footprint of the Concierge Minister. More and more people are church orphans, but they have not given up on God. Kumar’s desire to take the church to people is the central ministry. The funds are mostly used for technology, web subscriptions, marketing, advertising, equipment for videos.

Currently, Kumar does not take a salary. The money is used to launch this ministry. Some funding is used for contractors for accounting services, education, legal and administration fees, video editors, web designers, and podcast production. 

Where can I get a copy of your budget?

We will publish our financials at the end of the year to be publicly reviewed. You can also email Kumar directly at to ask specific questions.

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