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My Story 

The Pastor You've Always Wanted
Without the Church 

My name is Kumar.  I grew up on a conservative church. My grandfather was converted from Hinduism to Christianity and retired as a church administrator. Both of my parents were fervent Christians. They loved (and obeyed) every aspect (including the rules) handed down by the Church. Following my grandfather's footsteps, I also became a minister. 


Over the last 25 years, I have been treated poorly by church members and church leaders. I have been lied to, stabbed in the back (too many times to count), and fired (long, unfair story, not worth digging up). Sadly, it took me a long time to realize my self-worth was dependent upon the Church, instead of finding my peace in God and digging deep into myself. 


Here is what I discovered after some intense therapy... I have a love/hate relationship with the Church. I am grateful for my upbringing and theological foundation. In some ways, I outgrew the Church...  if I am being honest. 

As a minister, I felt it was my obligation to "make people Christian." I have changed my views on that.  What I want, is for people to discover how much God loves them.  Period.  It isn't about converting you, or making you sign a membership document.  Rather, I see myself as a coach, a mentor, a spiritual guide - giving you guidance to experience peace.   


If you need direction in your spiritual journey, I want to be your pastor. If you feel confused, forgotten, bypassed, lost, let me navigate you back to a safe platform where you can rest for a while  I sincerely want to serve as your spiritual director - so you are back on the journey towards God. No gimmicks. Take some time looking over this website, and prayerfully consider reengaging with God, if you aren't already.  




ConciergeMinister (at) gmail (dot) com



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